Don't It Always Seem to Go That You don't Know What You've Got Until It's Gone
Joni Mitchell
So many things I've taken for granted,
Now, at 72 I'm finally paying attention to the details,
The harder to capture scale of reality,
The intimate relationships between the insects, the microbes, the microrhizal fungi, their relationship to plants, and on and on,
And just as we learn these things, our impact on the planet has been so profoundly negative, that we've already impacted so many links in the web of life, that we're feeling the effect.
Without bees we'll enter some dark ages of food production,
And our persistent use of the same toxic chemicals to control the current corporate agricultural demands on the land are devastatingly long term with many components no longer available.
There is a disaster lurking on the horizon when the balance between sustainability and lack of adequate components in the necessary web of life, that we ourselves will find ourselves the suffering in Ethiopia or other drought and drained lands.