Saturday, January 29, 2011

Honoring My Grandfather

Windmill and Dutch Landscape by Andreas W. Prehn Sr.

     Back when I was a 'jongentje' in my Native County, this type of scenery would be the high point of a day.  Natural forests were pretty much non-existent, and only on the beach would you find dunes and natural textures and shapes. 

     My grandfather would take me out to places like this, and his garden also inspired me later in life.  The quality of this inherited drawing still stuns me.  I feel honored to have had such an artistic craftsman as a relative, and while my own skills are very limited when it comes to representing reality in pencil or paint, I've taken on the role of the artist through digital imagery.

Morphic Resonance - More Branching Out

Morphic Resonance, a concept by Rupert Sheldrake 

     It asserts that the present is very much determined by the forces of the past and has become my foundation for understanding the world.  This concept, which, in short, suggests that there are 'fields' underlying the material world which tend to shape our world beyond just the physical atomic, molecular explanations we have learned, suggests that the patterns of the past very much influence and largely determine how things will be and look in the future.  In some ways, to me, they are an avant garde scientific meeting of the Tao and Science, though still very controversial.  Shapes and forms are, in some way predicable, not only because of genetics and DNA "off and on" switches, but also by the force fields of our universe at many scales from micro to macro, from microcosm to macrocosm.  
     I chose this picture of trees on a promontory at Dinosaur National Monument because these shapes, are no doubt formed by the combined force fields of the dna of the species, the climate, the location, the eons of weather patterns, insects and other animals who interacted with it, and no doubt many other forces which we don't even understand.  A sceptic of the linear cause effect world of science, I am reminded that we still really don't know how a cat purrs, and Quantum Physics has brought us to a multi-universal threshold, all of which allows me to speculate that Mr. Sheldrake is on to something profound, and has given these matters so much thought, that I wish to credit him.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Morphic Resonance - Branching Out

Morphic Resonance, 
Like fields of energy, 
Mathematically measurable as fractal geometry,
Living water branches out like veins and arteries,
Growing fromthe anchor of a branch of Osier Dogwood
The perfect attractor for these floating crystals.
These rare fragile conditions,
  Aha moments,
Like a rare brilliant conversation with a friend,
 Or the right flow of notes on a keyboard. 

      One has to go out and freeze to get these, and tripods are required, and then processing software, like a conversation of pixels and digits so they can represent what I saw...and, then take it home to deepen my relationship.  The relationship of man and winter, or hand and ice, of dark and light, of warm and cold, the contradictions of seasons, yet the resonance of the branching out, first the molecules as crystals, then the water as streams, then the streams as watershed, then the evaporation and the return to nourishing the little branching Osier Dogwood bush by the riverside that brought these all together.

Inspiration for a New Cycle of Numbers representing years of life, 
and may we have an Aha New Year with new ideas.