Saturday, March 26, 2011

About Scale and Size, about water and air, and motion.

Looking closely, I see 1/2 bubbles, domes of air and water floating on water...and though this is as temporary as ten minutes or less, time itself has scale as human lives are less than centuries, while butterflies have but a day.  So I see the "reality' before me through my eyes and my mind's interpretation, and I know these are air bubbles surrounded by thin layers of water due to the cohesive quality of water seen in surface tension...I'm sure a physicist could tell me why, but the witness in me questions what is happening at the next scale up....what bubble are we all riding on the surface in some galaxy....are they, too, just domes of matter floating on space? 

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Blues


The Blues
The Blues

Eying the blues pulls at my soul,
Those shades of waters and precious stones
Intriguing my eyes to want to penetrate the barrier. 
The boundaries of desperation and hope.
Of light and dark.
Of man and nature
Of creation and destruction
The curse of believing we know what's coming,
Is that we're not prepared for what is coming.
There is more light in my darkness at this age,
Than I was expecting.
I used to say that as long as the darkness was warm
I would't mind the passage over,
And now I see there will also be some light....glory be.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Black Hole

     The black hole, the concept of the black hole, the mystery of some barrier of time space, some boundary of reality as we can know it...something almost dark and, dare I say it, evil?

This actual scan of a sand dollar shell, in the sea urchin and starfish family with it's pentagonal tentacles all emanating from a central opening between the hard and the soft, the exoskeleton and the layer of 'skin' and the protected viscera inside.

This scan shows nearly infinite 'tentacles' or 'branchiating' etchings in a calcified 'shell', and when one looks at this 'non-living' specimen we can see how the entrance, the gateway, so to speak between our internal organs and our external needs of food and energy create a 'skeleton' of how living things interact with the planet...

Could the black hole of the universe be merely a sand dollar skeleton, could the calcified remains of a universe without an undulating black hole even have the potential for infinite existence?

So run my thoughts as I ponder this imprint of the tao, of the morphic resonance of life.