Friday, January 23, 2015

Winter Doldrums

To adapt, or, not to adapt? 
That is the question.
Whether 'tis nobler to avoid the rings and textings of outrageous nonsense,
Or acquire the generational obsession of the times.

Asking the fates for the path to follow once one spends a septet of decades musing about how to create the meaning of my life, while adapting sufficiently to be "able to fake it" while trying to preserve the values and lifestyles I was raised to believe in.

On with eye contact,
Conversations in person.
Manners, sharing meals, 
The Rules of Civil Conduct and in person engagement.

From the farm by car,
From visits to telephone calls.
From families facing each other at dinner,
To TV tables with TV Dinners all eyes on the tube.
From one distraction to the next,
Until peace and quiet are like some zombie unreal moment to avoid at all cost.

Which way forward...adapt or die said Darwin,
And no doubt he was right.  
But for how long?  How much more annual change in
Eternally updating internet asking for more attention to operate the system, than to have any time left over to use it for the intended reasons...
Expanding my awareness, yes, but not at the expense of ever speeding up the illusionary cyber-reality while we remain apathetic and indifferent to a dying planet around us.

I feel I should be down right Luddite and Thoreau-ish
About all this geeky tech stuff, and then I hear tales of the great solar flares totally wiping out the 'grid'
Thus bringing us all back to a reality we've totally forgotten...communicating, exchanging goods, and dependent on our local range of goods and services locally delivered.

I guess it's called the 'generation gap'
Should old fogies actually believe that they have some wisdom to offer the younger generation?  Oh least I can run a blog.